Umpire Registration & Clinics

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Levels & Registration Fee Structure

Please click HERE for Umpire Certification Levels. Fees include GST, clinic fees and registration with Softball Canada.

Under 18 (ALL levels) Born: 2005 or laterLevel 1Level 2Level 3Level 4Level 5Retired

Saskatoon Clinic :

April 21


8:30am - Registration

9:00am - Clinic Starts


Corner of 33rd St. and Idywyld Dr.

For more information: Click here


Register to be a Umpire here:


Scorekeepers and Umpires.

Setting up the diamond with bases including pitcher’s plate. Please make sure the pitcher’s plate and bases are anchored into the ground.

Assessing Field Conditions

In the event of rain etc., the HOME TEAM must check the diamond and inform the visiting team by 3PM as to whether the game will or will not be played.
The new Weather policy is: Jr League  If the Temperature is +8 at 4:30 on the Weather Network only the game is cancel.
                                           Timbit: If the Temperature is +10 at 4pm on the Weather Network only the game is cancel.

To reschedule rained out games:

Phone: SMSL Office 306-374-5155
Office Hours: Mon. to Fri.   9:00 a.m. to 4:00p.m.

  1. Division A: umpires will be assigned.
  2. Postponed and Cancelled games (A Division only) rescheduling will require the following conditions:
    Require at least 48 hours’ notice of cancellation and rescheduling of games.
    Notify the Ball Office or 306-374-5155
    Contact the umpires:-  President Gavin Russell 306-220-2656
    League Assignor - Vacant
    SMSL UIC -Nathan Heale 639-998-9611

Umpire Concerns and interpretations:

President:    Gavin Russell 
 306- 220 - 2656    Email: 
Past President:   Bernie Burtney
 306- 227 - 6472    Email: 
Vise President:  VACANT 
Secretary:  Kirk Sibbald 
Financial Secretary:   Craig Horbay  
   306 - 713 - 0319     Email: 
UIC Adult ( SASA ) :  Darryl Fiala 
 306 - 270 - 5798    Email: 
UIC Minor ( SMSL ) :    Nathan Heale  
Director :  Wendy Belyk 
306 - 260 - 8073    Email : 
Director : Kardi Sigurdson 
306 - 821 - 2772   Email: